Students were challenged to apply what they had learned during the living museum art theory project in creating another piece of work. The criteria for this piece was that it needed to be "in the style" of the artist that they had done extensive research on in the beginning of the school year. In particular, students were to focus on the painting style that their artist was known for. Students were asked to look at subject mater, art style, and colors while choosing their design. As part of the criteria students were asked to work on an "alternative" surface - some thing other than paper or canvas that they normally wouldn't paint on. This challenged students to experiment with different surfaces and how paint responded to those surfaces. Here are some examples of what the 6th and 7th graders created.
Salvador Dali inspired on a clock
Frida Khalo inspired on masonite
Henri Rousseau inspired on a record
Jacob Lawrence inspired on a record cover
Georgia O'Keeffe inspired on a wood log
Andy Warhol inspired on a map
Claude Monet inspired on sheet metal
Keith Haring inspired on newspaper
Andy Warhol inspired on masonite
Salvador Dali Inspired on eye glasses